Petaluma Green Lane

Getting around town, car-free

Hey, check out Safe Streets Petaluma, a new group advocating for the mobility interests of all Petalumans. It largely replaces this website.

Petaluma Green Lane is a community of volunteers dedicated to making it safer, easier, and more fun to get around town without using a car. This website is to help you help make this* happen.

*To better understand why and how, check out this email from a local climate and bicycle activist (at the bottom of this page.)

Get your BUTTer on your bike and EGGspress your support for carbon free mobility.
Valet Parking, Butter and Egg Day, April 23, 10AM to 5PM. Details to follow.

Green Lane Map

Discover Petaluma's walking and bicycling paths, lanes, and routes. This map is viewable online, and large format printed versions will be available at key locations like bike shops and the Visitor Center.

"First Friday at Five" Rides

Join other Petaluma cyclists for a group ride around town, with a new itinerary every month. Learn the best ways to get where you need to go, including safety tips.

Bicycle Safety Education

No matter where you ride, your bicycle trip is only as safe as you make it. Learn the best ways to behave when riding with other traffic.

This is the Superpower version "Think global, act local". Help Petaluma "become more planet friendly, disaster resilient, and community rich."

Good Ideas

We want to hear your suggestions for improving the car-free travel experience. And we want you to support City plans and policies that will make them happen.

Green Lane mailing list

We don't have a formal membership, but we do have a Google Group we use to communicate information of interest to y'all. Email if you want to be added.


Contact to get more information.